Mary Wimmer, Writer

Recent Posts

The Art of the Break

I’m thrilled to reveal the cover of my new novel, The Art of the Break. The title refers to an important step in cheesemaking. A clean break is called when the heated milk mixture attains just the right consistency. The cheesemaker places the back of her/his fingers in the coagulated milk and lifts. If the…

John Prine’s Songs about Forgiveness and Hope

Hey John Prine, we’re sure going to miss you. We could use your gentle take on things with this wretched disease infecting us—the loved, the old, the vulnerable, the poor, the essential, the unlucky, the poets like you. It’s a hard time, many of us are sick and turns out COVID-19 unleased a whole world…

About Me

Hi, I’m Mary, a Wisconsin-based writer, educator, and school psychologist.

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Books and essays

Reaching Shore

A novel

Award winning historical novel
for young adults.

School Refusal and Truancy


Evidence-based practices for
school refusal and truancy

Mary’s Essays

Short stories and essays